Little Bohemia Logo

Business Improvement District

Your Board of Directors

Louis Smith – President
Dundee Bank

Caroline McBride – Vice President
Rebel Interactive

Colleen McLeay – Treasurer
Clarity Development Company

Katie Mock – Secretary

Susan Koenig – Director
Koenig Dunne

Jeff Pappas – Member
Bohemia Gardens

Board Meeting Minutes

Little Bohemia BID Board Meeting
Monday, September 16, 2024
Beercade 2

BID board attendees: Louis Smith, Susan Koenig, Katie Mock, Caroline McBride, Jeff Pappas
Public Attendees: Shawn Koltermann (Kehm Contractors)

Holiday Lighting Updates:
Caroline provided hard copies of lighting bids from Holiday Lights of Omaha, Holiday Light Rescue and Blingle. The group had additional questions regarding costs, installation, product, etc that Caroline will get answered. Deadline for decision is September 30th.

Fall Landscaping Updates:
Pavers have been ordered and work will start as soon as they arrive.

The entire project should be completed by the end of the month. The board will need to create a watering schedule by the four quadrants. Louis will ask the landscaper for watering instructions.

Next meeting:
Monday, October 21st, 1 p.m. at Beercade 2.

Little Bohemia BID Board Meeting
Monday, August, 19, 2024
Beercade 2

BID Board Attendees: Louis Smith, Susan Koenig, Colleen McLeay, Katie Mock, Caroline McBride, Jeff

Public Attendees: Shawn Koltermann (Kehm Contractors), AJ Mullerbach (Small Towns Omaha), Jared
James (Strong Towns Omaha)

Strong Towns Omaha Presentation:

Strong Towns is a national nonprofit that advocates for safety and
walkability. Strong Towns Omaha is currently looking for a project and will draft a proposal regarding a collaboration with Little Bohemia. An example of collaboration is painting curb extensions (temporary paint). Typically these projects are funded via social capital.

Louis suggested an implementation plan and will include Jeff Spies.

Officer Updates:

No room in the budget for the BID’s desired project list.

The Landscaping Bid:

  • $6,000 = to fix planters
  • $6,000 = flowers (recommended fall flowers after masonry work is complete) 50% deposit required
  • Upkeep might be over budget; this matter will require further discussion. The goal for next year is to remove old tree stumps.
  • Susan moved to accept pending bids. Motion passed.
  • Holiday lighting: bids will be submitted to the board by August 30th. Lights will go up after Halloween and come down the end of January.

No follow-up from the city regarding Shawn’s inquiry on parking.
It was suggested that parking options be shared on the website.

Next meeting:
Monday, September 16, 1 p.m. at Beercade 2.

Little Bohemia BID Board Meeting 

Monday, July 15, 2024 

Beercade 2 


BID board attendees: Susan Koenig, Colleen McLeay, Katie Mock, Caroline McBride 

Public Attendees: Shawn Kolterman (Kehm Contractors) 


Officer Updates: 

Parking Markings – these are now complete. Some are not 3 feet from curb cuts. Shawn will be following up with the city. 

Encampment – some people have returned, Colleen will follow up with the city. 

Holiday lights – Caroline spoke with Blingle. They said they can work within the BID budget and will present a bid in one week. 

Website – The BID/Little Bohemia Business Association is live. Please send any updates/changes to Caroline. 

Landscaping – need to do one last review of final plans. 

Parking – Shawn will be meeting with Danny Begley to discuss parking issues within the neighborhood. 

Neighborhood cleanup – will be July 28th, volunteers meet in front of Dusk. 

Next meeting: Monday, August 19th at 1 p.m. 

 Little Bohemia BID Board Meeting 

Monday, June 17, 2024 

Beercade 2 


BID board attendees: Louis Smith, Susan Koenig, Katie Mock, Caroline McBride 

Public Attendees: Shawn Kolterman (Kehm Contractors), Jeff Spiehs (Lamp Rynerson/Near South Neighbors), Mike Weiland (Tomasek Machine Shop), Barb Weiland (Tomasek Machine Shop) 

Officer Updates: 

Parking markings – July 13th is the install date for permanent parking markings on the street. 

Vision Zero update – The goal is to implement Vision Zero recommendations in the neighborhood. Plus, curb bump outs and other suggestions in the walkability study can hopefully be included in this year’s budget. Louis and Jeff Spiehs (along with Derek Miller and Jeff Sobczak from the city) will draft a joint letter. The letter will include both short term and long term planning. 

Homeless encampment update – there is currently no one under the bridge right now. BID funds will most likely not be used to light that area or add art. 

Landscaping bid – Louis will confirm with TMP Landscaping. Plants and mulch will be $6,200 and $12,000 for all plants and extensive masonry repairs. The BID can stagger these costs between this year and next. 

Holiday lighting – the budget is about $15,000. Caroline called All City Bright and is waiting to hear back. Shawn has a lighting recommendation as well. 

There will be leftover money in the 2024 budget. About $5,000 will need to be spent. 

Next meeting: 

Monday, July 15th, 1 p.m. at Beercade 2. 

Little Bohemia BID Board Meeting
Monday, May 20, 2024
Beercade 2

BID board attendees: Louis Smith, Susan Koenig, Colleen McLeay, Katie Mock, Caroline McBride

Public Attendees: Shawn Kolterman (Kehm Contractors), Ivy Sutton (Idle Wine), Jeff Spiehs (Lamp Rynerson/Near South Neighbors)


Officer Updates:

Garden Beds & Maintenance – still waiting on bids, Louis will email the ones that have come in. Shawn presented a cost estimate for planters, $225 each from Artisan Stone.

  • Next neighborhood clean up will be on May 26th at 10 a.m. starting at Dusk.

Vision Zero Presentation – this presentation will take place on June 5th at 4 p.m. at the next Little Bohemia Business Association (LBBA). Meeting location will be at Bel Merch.

Caroline’s updates – she suggested renting stars or globe lights for the trees vs. strands of lights which are much more labor intensive and costly.

  • The neighborhood website ( is now live. This website has LBBA and BID content on it. Ash Preheim will present it at the next LBBA meeting.
  • Louis suggested adding an ‘Incident Report’ or ‘Report an Issue’ tab where people can report traffic issues, crime incidents, etc.

Jeff Spiehs Presentation:
Jeff works at Lamp Rynerson and started the Near South Neighbors with the goal to increase neighborhood involvement. Jeff shared feedback from neighbors at the May 18th Spring Market event.

Feedback included: desire for safe streets, preserve history and culture, road diet and more food options. Jeff will email the BID a complete list of responses. He will do the same at Little Bohemia Backyard Bash.

  • The 2018 walkability study was discussed. Not much has been implemented from that study. Jeff will launch a new plan with schematics. The process begins with stakeholder meetings (businesses, neighbors, schools, etc) to get a feel for the responses. Jeff added that the BID should reference the south 10th street study as well.
  • Additional meetings should include the City of Omaha, specific people in the planning office regarding what we would like to do. Last part of the process is presenting a survey to stakeholders asking what they think the BID should do. Jeff will then develop renderings based on what the neighborhood wants.
  • A walk audit is tentatively scheduled for July 10th. The goal is to build consensus and support.

Next meeting:
Monday, June 17th, 1 p.m. at Beercade 2.

Little Bohemia BID Board Meeting Monday, April 15, 2024 Dundee Bank
BID board attendees: Louis Smith, Susan Koenig, Colleen McLeay, Katie Mock, Caroline McBride Public Attendees: Abby Massey (Dusk), Dave Hempel (Hempel Sheet Metal), Shawn Kolterman (Kehm Contractors), Brett Satterling (Satterling Apartments), Mike Weiland (Tomasek Machine Shop) Officer Updates: Garden Beds & Maintenance – TMP Lawn & Landscaping presented two bids:
  • $6400 for lowest cost or
  • $10,000-$12,000 for highest cost. The bigger bid accounts for flowers, masonry and extensive repairs.
  • Currently waiting for additional bids to come in.
Parking Markings – Louis contacted City of Omaha regarding markings. The city will mark parking spaces on 13th street in late May or August. Jeff Spieh’s Discussion – Jeff will provide renderings that illustrate a vision for 13th street. He will contact the BID with questions before creating them. Vision Zero Presentation – An initiative meant to reduce pedestrian deaths to zero. Louis will suggest dates for a neighborhood presentation with more details. Additionally he will inquire about important safety measures for the neighborhood. Speed monitoring – will also start this summer. Signage – Holding off on signage until Jeff has completed the renderings. Caroline’s Updates – Ash Preheim and Caroline are working a website ( for Little Bohemia Business Association and BID. Categories include Food, Drink, Service, Other Businesses. Caroline is working on another bid for holiday lighting. She was told that each tree will require 300 feet of lights. Susan’s Updates – The Bloomberg Foundation is not currently accepting applications for asphalt art. Colleen’s Updates – She spoke to Tamara Dwyer regarding the homeless situation. There’s currently no relocation opportunities for the homeless population. Misc Items:
  • There was a question regarding the BID carrying insurance – Louis will ask Bernard;
  • A truck has been parked in front of Dino’s Storage for an extended period of time – the city has been contacted.Next meeting:
Monday, May 20th, 1 p.m. at Beercade 2.

Little Bohemia BID Board Meeting
Monday, March 18, 2024
Beercade 2

BID board attendees: Louis Smith, Susan Koenig, Colleen McLeay, Katie Mock, Caroline McBride

Public Attendees: Ryan Norton (Pulverente Monument Co.), Dave Hempel (Hempel Sheet Metal), Shirley McNally (property owner), Frank Horejsi (Prague Bakery), Shawn Koltermann (Kehm Contractors)

Officer Updates:
Louis (planters/maintenance & Jeff Spiehs): reached out to Rod Peterson to get a quote on beautification,

Rod currently does landscaping for PJ Morgan properties in the neighborhood. The group recommended a subcommittee for watering new plants, etc. Shawn said he can provide additional bids on landscaping, concrete, etc.

Louis spoke to Jeff Spiehs with the South Omaha Neighborhood Association. They discussed Vision Zero Omaha and will work on safety improvements. Jeff said Lamp Rynerson can put together a rendering for a general look for the future. Louis suggested Jeff come to a future meeting to discuss this more with the group.

Susan (Bloomberg Philanthropies Asphalt Art Project): Susan researched this grant opportunity for funding to support beautification and safety via painting asphalt (like bump outs, crosswalks, etc). The grant awards up to $25,000 and it appears there is no deadline. Details coming out in April.

Caroline (signage/Downtown Business Improvement District/website): Waiting on a bid for two “Welcome to Little Bohemia” signs (one facing north, one facing south). Still waiting to hear back from Holly at the Downtown Improvement District.

Caroline spoke to Ash Preheim (Beercade 2) about a website – he’ll help create one on WordPress. He can start it for the BID, then combine with Little Bohemia Business Association (LBBA) later. More details can be discussed at the next LBBA meeting.

Colleen researched grants and is setting up a meeting regarding applications. Additionally, she has been in contact with Tamara Dwyer with the city about the homeless encampment under the bridge. The city is checking on the situation daily. Some disturbances and trash have been an issue. Tamara is willing to discuss solutions for the homeless situation with the BID.

Holiday Lighting Update: waiting on bids to come in.


● Neighborhood is experiencing an uptick in car break-ins, increased lighting may help prevent
crime, etc.;

● Parking issues were brought up. May need to consider “L’s & T’s” for parking spots to help traffic,
● Will the church on 13th street consider allowing parking in their lot;
● Frank asked about the trees near the sidewalk- do they need to be torn down if that is what is
making the sidewalk uneven;
● Dismantled cars on the sidewalk at 14th & William.

Louis will contact the city regarding “L’s & T’s” for parking spots and will ask Jeff about sidewalk trees.

Next meeting:
Monday, April 15th, 1 p.m. at Beercade 2.

Little Bohemia BID Board Meeting
Monday, February 19, 2024
Dundee Bank

BID board attendees: Louis Smith, Susan Koenig, Colleen McLeay, Katie Mock, Jeff Papas, Caroline

Public Attendees: Ivy Sutton, Idle Wine and Kimberly Norton, Pulverente Monument Co.

New Business Agenda:

  • Officer updates from last meeting
  • Neighborhood priority list
  • Next steps

Officer Updates:

Website discussion: adding BID tab to the Little Bohemia Business Association (LBBA) website. LBB website planning is in progress. Domain name options have been purchased. More information will be available after the next LBBA meeting in March.

Colleen updated the group on neighborhood clean-up. She has connected with Abby Massey, owner of Dusk, and will be meeting to plan for upcoming neighborhood clean-up. Collaboration with Keep Omaha Beautiful to be included.

Louis met with Omaha By Design regarding Vision Zero Project. He contacted the project director about coming to a BID meeting to discuss project details.

Additionally, the board discussed the underpass and beautification. It may be beneficial to work with the Downtown Improvement District. There is an existing plan for design work. Initial plans are currently cost prohibitive and may require additional fundraising efforts.


Colleen will be contacting artist Watie White and Caroline will reach out to Holly with the Downtown Improvement District.

Neighborhood Priorities:
1) working on the planter/tree combos – give them a cohesive look;
2) signage;
3) safety – Vision Zero Project details will give better direction on where to start;
4) holiday lighting – possibly trees only. Need to decide on a budget for lighting and get multiple bids from
small business owners.

Jeff: will start drafting strategic priorities based on the BID’s work plan;
Louis: will contact PJ Morgan regarding current landscaping and maintenance;
Caroline and Susan: will work on signage art/contacting artists;
Colleen, Jeff and Caroline: gather holiday lighting bids;
Colleen, Susan and Katie: research grant opportunities such as Omaha Community Foundation and Asphalt Art through the Bloomberg Foundation.

Next meeting:
Monday, March 18th, 1 p.m. at Beercade 2. Many thanks to Ash Preheim for providing the BID with monthly meeting space!

Little Bohemia BID Board Meeting

Monday, January 15, 2024, Bohemian Gardens

BID Board attendees: Louis Smith, Susan Koenig, Colleen McLeay, Katie Mock, Jeff Papas, Caroline McBride, Shawn Kolterman 

Public attendees: Ryan from Pulverente Monument and Ash from Beercade

New Business Agenda

  • Lawsuit Discussion
  • 2024 Goals and Overview Plan
  • BID Officer Election
  • Monthly meeting time discussion

Lawsuit Discussion

The participants had a robust discussion about how to move forward in light of the lawsuit being brought against the Omaha City Council and the BID. BID board member Shawn Kolterman stepped down as a board member due to a conflict of interest concern. His company is a plaintiff in the lawsuit. The resignation received board approval by a vote of 5 to 1.

2024 Goals and Overview Plan

Promotions, Beautification and Safety are the Top 3 Priorities for the BID.



  • Welcome signs at 13th and Pierce and 13th Hickory
  • $8,000-$9,000 bids
  • 12 ft hard surface with vinyl 
  • Plan to get more bids
  • Possible murals on buildings that could advertise the neighborhood 
  • Scott Dobbe from Omaha By Design may be able to make recommendations to us for affordable signage ideas


  • Discussed having a website for the BID as a place to put all official information, announcements, minutes and meeting times
  • Discussed REBEL doing a small website with Rebel Care to help with maintenance
  • Also discussed adding a BID webpage to existing LBBA website
  • Discussion was tabled for a future meeting



  • Will be staying on top trash collection issue for our public trash cans
  • Discussed starting a “Keep Little Bo Beautiful Committee” that would do trash pickup on a monthly and volunteer basis
  • Abby from DUSK is a good connection for this. Colleen is going to reach out to Abby


  • Discussed ideas for the ongoing maintenance and enhancements for the sidewalk planters
  • We may be able to work with the city to help us with watering the planters if we get them up and running


  • The BID will be in an advocacy role for safety on 13th Street
  • Speeding traffic, drag racing and low speed enforcement all contribute to a dangerous situation
  • We are seeing minor improvements
  • Vision Zero is a great point of contact for us as we take on this role with guidance from them on how to approach our unique neighborhood characteristics.

BID Officer Elections

Louis Smith – President 

Caroline McBride – Vice President

Colleen McLeay – Treasurer

Katie Mock – Secretary 

Susan Koenig – Director

Jeff Pappas – Manager

Monthly Meeting Time Discussion

  • The 3rd Monday of every month at 1pm. 
  • Location TBD

Next Meeting:

Monday, February 16th at 1pm

Location TBD