Little Bohemia Logo

Business Association

Your Board of Directors

Megan Andersen (Koenig Dunne) – President

Maria Corpuz (Bel Merch) – Vice President

Rachel Campbell (Noa Brides) – Treasurer

Dan Brouillette (Luman Beer Co.) – Secretary

Katie Mock (Fizzy’s Fountain & Liquors) – Marketing Chair Board Member

Abby Massey (Dusk Goods & Gifts) – Board Member


Board Meeting Minutes

October 02, 2024 – Czech Inn

Attendees: Megan, Susan (Koenig Dunne), Ismaeel, Nate (Sinners Corner), Abby (Dusk Goods & Gifts), Caroline (Rebel), Asher (Fontenelle Supply)

Watering New Flower Beds:

Louis has asked that if you have a new/upgraded flower bed from the BID near your building to please take a moment to water. The BID is very appreciative of individuals efforts to keep the beautification of the neighborhood top of mind.

Business Closures:

We are sad to announce that Sara Jacobsen with Family of Things Shop will be closing her brick and motor location at the end of 2024. She will continue her online business and hopefully pop-ups in Little Bo. Dylan Anderson with Mad Flavors Clothing Store will be moving to the Benson area.

BID Updates:

Flowerbed refurbishment is underway, please help water new plants.

BID is close to selecting the Holiday Lights vendor. The instillation should begin mid/late October. There was a discussion regarding turning the lights on and a 2nd Friday mashup (Get Lit in Little Bo?!) Caroline will be emailing us some on the fly organization for Friday, November 8th.

Upcoming Events:

Fontenelle Supply Co. Live Music – Saturday, October 5th $10 Cover, Family Friendly

Second Friday – Friday, October 11th 5PM – 8PM

Fizzy’s Fizzout Halloween Popup – Oct 16 – Oct 30

Next Meeting Wednesday, November 6th at Beercade 2

September 11, 2024 – Luman Beer Co.

Attendees: Megan, Susan (Koenig Dunne), Katie (Fizzy’s), Ash (Beercade2) Asher (Fontenelle Supply Co.), Louis (Dundee Bank), Maria (Bel Merch), Caroline (Rebel Interactive), Abby (Dusk Goods & Gifts), Shawn (Kehm)

Announcing LBBA Board:

Megan Andersen (Koenig Dunne) – President

Maria Corpuz (Bel Merch) – Vice President

Rachel Campbell (Noa Brides) – Treasurer

Dan Brouillette (Luman Beer Co.) – Secretary

Katie Mock (Fizzy’s Fountain & Liquors) – Marketing Chair Board Member

Abby Massey (Dusk Goods & Gifts) – Board Member

Thank you, everyone, sincerely for your help and actions to make the Little Bo Business Association the success it is, as we grow and prepare for 2025! Get ready folks, we have big plans.


Little Bo Backyard Bash 09/14/2024

We are ready for Saturday and preparing for a big crowd. Click here for more information.

We are hyped that over 4k have interacted with the facebook event. This is going to be a banner year at our new location on Williams!


LBBA/BID Website Updates:

Reminder again to review your business listings and send updates to Caroline at

If you have any events or updates you would like posted to the website you can let Caroline know as well.


LBBA & TikTok

Katie Mock as the new Marketing Chair Board Member will be leading the initiative to begin a LBBA TikTok page.

Details are still in the works, if you would like to hear more join us at the October LBBA Meeting.


BID Updates:

Look for improvements on the neighborhood flower beds for Fall.

BID is meeting regarding 3 bids for holiday lights this season.

Talks have begun regarding pedestrian bump outs at intersections.


Keep Omaha Beautiful

Will be installing a neighborhood cleanup station in the near future. This would include gloves, grabbers, and bags to help us keep the neighborhood beautiful all year round.



Little Bo Backyard Bash – Saturday, September 14th 2PM – 8PM

Spring Market – Saturday, September 14th 11AM – 4PM

Beercade 25 Year Anniversary Party – Saturday, September 28th 2PM – 2AM Free Play, Family Friendly until 7PM

September Neighborhood Cleanup  – Sunday, September 29th 10AM – 12PM

Fontenelle Supply Co. Live Music – Saturday, October 5th $10 Cover, Family Friendly

Second Friday – Friday, October 11th 5PM – 8PM

Fizzy’s Fizzout Halloween Popup – Oct 16 – Oct 30


Next Meeting Wednesday, October 2nd 4PM at the Czech Inn

Lumen Beer Company

August 7, 2024

Attendees: Megan (Koenig Dunne), Susan (Koenig Dunne), Dan (Lumen), Shirley, Ash (Beercade), Abby (Dusk), Maria (BelMerch)

LBBA Leadership

– Megan going to stay on as Pres through November

– NEED treasurer


– No updates

– Next meeting – planters, holiday lights

– PJ Morgan follow up re: CAM 

LBBA Website


– Go to the map and check out your bio!

– Reach out to Caroline with any edits/additions


– Bash Date 9/14/2024 – 2pm – 8pm

– Next meeting – August 14th, 4pm – Czech Inn

Keep Omaha Beautiful

– Want to set up a kiosk for neighborhood cleanup supplies

Upcoming Events

August 9th – Dusk 5 year and Greenhouse 4 year anniversary – 5pm 

August 15th – IDLE – Music Meetup – 7-9pm

August 16th – IDLE – Music Meetup – 7-9pm

August 25th – Clean up – 10am -12pm

Sept – 14th – 1234 Market (same day as Bash)

Next Meeting: Wednesday, September 4th, 4:00pm – Lumen

Bel Merch & Design
July 10, 2024

Attendees: Megan (Koenig Dunne), Katie (Fizzy’s), Maria (BelMerch), Susan (Koenig Dunne), Maddy (Dundee), Dan (Lumen)

LBBA Website

Douglas County grant was applied for and granted!

Little Bohemia Backyard Bash

  • Bash Date 9/14/2024, 2pm to 8pm
  • Street closure permit is finalized
  • Next meeting – July 17th, 4pm – Beercade

Upcoming Events

Second Friday, July 12th

  • Craft Day Club and Moon Travelers Tarot at Dusk
  • Wine & Weenies at Idle Wine
  • Selah Fragrance at Fizzy’s
  • Fontenelle open late
  • Tiny House drink special

Next Meeting: Wednesday, August 7th – 4:00pm – Lumen

May 1, 2024 – Lumen Beer Co.

Attendees: Megan (Koenig Dunn), Dan (Lumen), Christina (Greenhouse), Louis (Dundee),  Caroline (Rebel), Abby (Dusk), Katie (Fizzy’s), Sara (Family of Things), Maria (Bel Merch Design), Dylan (Mad Flavors), Katie LeDous (Sunflower), Rachel (Noa Brides)

Sunflower – 

  • Write grants for non-profit organizations
  • Creative Districts
  • Process takes 6-12 months
  • Caroline will follow up


  • LBBA and BID shared site
  • Navigational tab ideas – business pages, job opportunities, events page
  • If you have additional ideas reach out to Caroline or Ash
  • Domain is live – June 1 website should be built out

Spring Market

  • May 18th – 11am – 4pm
  • Start sharing on social media


  • Parking Lines – roughly painted in
  • Met with Danny Begley – City of Omaha small improvement funding
  • Not adding any pay-to-park requirements (no meters)
  • May 20th meeting 

Backyard Bash

  • September – 9/14/2024
  • Next steps – music – Left Hand Country – confirmed
  • Omaha Mobile Stage (potential stage/sound option)
  • Exact location TBD

Upcoming Events 

  • Sunday, May 26th – Neighborhood cleanup
  • July (second friday) – art opening at Bel Merch (1234 s. 13th #204)

Next Meeting: Wednesday, June 5th – 4:00pm – Bel Merch


Please reach out to me if anyone needs to be added or removed from the email list.

Little Bohemia BID Board Meeting
Monday, April 15, 2024
Dundee Bank

BID board attendees: Louis Smith, Susan Koenig, Colleen McLeay, Katie Mock, Caroline McBride

Public Attendees: Abby Massey (Dusk), Dave Hempel (Hempel Sheet Metal), Shawn Kolterman (Kehm Contractors), Brett Satterling (Satterling Apartments), Mike Weiland (Tomasek Machine Shop)


Officer Updates:
Garden Beds & Maintenance –

  • TMP Lawn & Landscaping presented two bids: $6400 for lowest cost or
    $10,000-$12,000 for highest cost. The bigger bid accounts for flowers, masonry and extensive repairs.
  • Currently waiting for additional bids to come in.

Parking Markings – Louis contacted City of Omaha regarding markings. The city will mark parking spaces on 13th street in late May or August.

Jeff Spiehs Discussion – Jeff will provide renderings that illustrate a vision for 13th street. He will contact the BID with questions before creating them.

Vision Zero Presentation – An initiative meant to reduce pedestrian deaths to zero. Louis will suggest dates for a neighborhood presentation with more details. Additionally he will inquire about important safety measures for the neighborhood.
Speed monitoring will also start this summer.

Signage – Holding off on signage until Jeff has completed the renderings.

Caroline’s Updates – Ash Preheim and Caroline are working a website ( for Little Bohemia Business Association and BID. Categories include Food, Drink, Service, Other Businesses.

Caroline is working on another bid for holiday lighting. She was told that each tree will require 300 feet of lights.

Susan’s Updates – The Bloomberg Foundation is not currently accepting applications for asphalt art.

Colleen’s Updates – She spoke to Tamara Dwyer regarding the homeless situation. There’s currently no relocation opportunities for the homeless population.

Misc Items:

• There was a question regarding the BID carrying insurance – Louis will ask Bernard;
• A truck has been parked in front of Dino’s Storage for an extended period of time – the city has been contacted.

Next meeting:
Monday, May 20th, 1 p.m. at Beercade 2.

Meeting Minutes

March 6, 2024 – Lumen

Attendees: Megan (Koenig Dunn), Dan (Lumen), Katie Mock (Fizzy’s), Abby (Dusk), Susan (Koenig Dunn), Christina (Greenhouse), Bryce (new neighbor), Allison (1404 collective), Leah (1404 collective), Ash (Beercade2).

May 18 – Spring Market

o 10+ participating businesses

o A few food trucks lined up

o Posters going up in April

Little Bo Backyard Bash

o Time to start talking about the 2024 event 

o Date? 9/14/24?

o Location?

o Looking to shutdown William St (west side between 13-14th st.)

o Will form committee at April meeting

BID Updates

o Next BID meeting – 3rd Monday of the month – March 18th – 1pm 

Crime – Neighborhood Issues

o There’s been an increase in vandalism and crime in the area 

o Several vehicles have been vandalised 

o Brainstorming solutions, relationship building, etc.

Upcoming Events 

o Second Friday – 3/8/24

o Spring Clean Up – 4/20/24

Next Meeting: April 3rd – Beercade2 – 4pm


Please reach out to me if anyone needs to be added or removed from the email list.

Meeting Minutes

February 7, 2024 – Lumen

Attendees: Megan (Koenig Dunn), Katie Mock (Fizzy’s), Karen (Dahlman), Alicia (Omaha Magazine), Jeff (Bohemian Gardens), Abby (Dusk), Susan (Koenig Dunn), Leah (Dog Bar)

Omaha Magazine

  • Alicia Hollins – 
  • 17 publications
  • Visit Omaha guide 
  • Reach out to Jasmyn Goodwin 402-444-7024 for more information about guides
  • Old Market Directory – best bang for your buck – March 11 deadline
  • 80,000 distribution 


  • Karen – born and raised in the Little Italy/Little Bo area
  • Trying to improve Dahlman Park
  • 100th Anniversary of Santa Lucia – August 1st-4th
  • Police Precinct meetings – first tuesday each month a the SE Precinct (24th and Vinton)
  • New Blue Stone Development – 11 buildings near Pine elementary school

Creative Districts

  • Potential good for Little Bo – grants and development money however there are many requirements and stipulations 
  • Possibly revisit this on a future agenda?
  • We would need someone to facilitate this moving forward 

Social Media

  • Potentially boosted posts/events
  • Email Megan Malone with events 

BID Updates

  • Appeal pending in court for validity of BID
  • OWH paper “feature” last Sunday
  • Next BID meeting – 3rd Monday of the month – 1pm 

Upcoming Events 

  • Omaha Beer Week – February 17-25
  • Fizzy’s – Mean Girls Brunch – Feb 17-18
  • Dusk – 2nd Friday – Feb 9 – Many vendors and workshops
  • Neighborhood cleanup – Sunday, April 12 – 11:00am
  • Omaha Dog Bar – NOW offering doggy daycare 

2024 Membership Payments ($175)

Next Meeting: March 6th – Lumen Beer 

Meeting Minutes

January 10, 2023 – Lumen

Attendees: Katie Mock (Fizzy’s), Maddie (Dundee Bank), Caroline (Rebel), Ash (Beercade), Caroline (Rebel), Ryan Norton (Pulverente), Sean (Kehm), Sara (Family of Things), Christina (greenhouse), Louis (Dundee Bank), Ivy (Idle), Asher (Fontenelle)

Upcoming Events

o Czech Inn Chili Cook Off – Feb 4th

2024 Membership Payments ($175)

o Submit Payment via check to Dundee Bank/Louis will send a square invoice so you can pay online.

o Payments by February 7th

o Fees go to marketing and events 

o Is the LBBA IG account setup for paid promo posts? Boost?

o Coordinated calendar for events?

BID Updates

o Monday, January 15th – 1:00pm Bohemian Gardens – First Meeting!

o Lawsuit – those opposed to BID are suing BID and Omaha City Council

o Suit based on “illegal formation”


o Parking – current situation is not great. Dundee Bank is available after hours (5pm – 8am) and weekends.

o Bench Omaha – Spring Market – possibly in Fontenelle backyard – date TBD

o Lil Bo Spring Market – date TBD – could potentially coincide with Bench event depending on date. (Add Spring Market to Feb Agenda)

o Omaha Places Event – want to host in Lil Bo again in July

o Thingsville moved out – Mad Flavorz – Dylan Anderson – Urban male clothing – OPEN